Dumpster Keepsake Box"One man's trash is another man's treasure,” as the old saying goes. And with the nifty Dumpster Keepsake Box, the ancient aphorism has never been truer...
Dumpster Keepsake Box"One man's trash is another man's treasure,” as the old saying goes. And with the nifty Dumpster Keepsake Box, the ancient aphorism has never been truer. This hilarious novelty item is a great way to burglars and nosey friends or family members alike off of your “scent.” Indeed, a smelly (albeit miniature) dumpster would be the last place someone would hide their most treasured possessions, right? Wrong! When you’ve got the Dumpster Keepsake Box, you will be able to keep would be plunderers completely fooled and far away from your most prized items.
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