The Rinse and Chop is a patented hinged chopping board that folds into a chute, simultaneously creating a colander at one end. Traditional colanders take up a lot of storage space...
The Rinse and Chop is a patented hinged chopping board that folds into a chute, simultaneously creating a colander at one end. Traditional colanders take up a lot of storage space. And, even though they're bulky, we need them. Thanks to Joseph Joseph, the bulky colander is a thing of the past. This multi-use kitchen essential not only eliminates wasted space, it also makes preparation easier and much more enjoyable.
It's easy to use; adjust one end to rinse fruits and vegetables, rinse then straighten and chop. Nebyt, readjust Rinse and Chop and pour fruits or vegetables into a pan. Voile. It features a non-slip rubber grip around its edges. It's made of dishwasher safe polypropylene, so cleanup couldn't be easier. With the Rinse and Chop, you'll have it all, all in one compact and convenient place.
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